Mi chiamo Christian Mauri, per il web sono chrimau81. Questa è la mia home page: . Sono di Monza e Milano, (Lombardia) e lavoro come Freelancer in ambito di Design Digitale.

Development and ConsultancyCM Digital Design

Web & Graphic Designer,
Front-end Developer, Wordpress Specialist.









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Individuals without creative capacities will be replaced by computers and will drive away those who do have the creative spark.
Cit. Howard Gardner

Nice to meet you

I will introduce myself to you

My name is Christian Mauri. I am a Freelancer and I work as Web & Graphic Designer, Full Stack Frontender, Wordpress Specialist and IT Consultant.

My studies, the creativity, the job experiences, the interest in Art and Design and the love for the Technology have contributed to (and they've been contributing to) the evolution of my "hybrid" professional. I'm able to combine the technical competences to those ones that come from the Design Sense. A professional that is able to recognize the limitations of the development approaches and that is able to efficiently cope with everything concerns the User Interface (UI) and the User Experience (Ux).

Everything I do, I do it for satisfying the customers' requirements. In my works I love to take care of every detail! My character brings me in looking for the correct balance between the graphical and the functional features.

I'm always ready to get involved in new challenges, I realize W3C and SEO compliant web sites/applications (responsive too), landing pages, blogs and firms' portals. I'm proficient in the manipulation of Content Management Systems (CMS) such as Wordpress, furthermore I work as IT Consultant, mainly in the front-end development.

- 2007, Master's degree in Computer Science, 110/110 cum laude, UniMi - BICOCCA.
- 2004, Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UniMi - BICOCCA.

DISCO Logo Bicocca Logo

Known Languages:
Italiano, English, Español (Castellano), Catalá.

Why should you choose CM Digital Design?

your idea becomes your future, I help you to realize it on the web.

Professional Websites

Design and development of the showcase websites, for freelancers or companies. They are usually used to strengthen their brand on the web. I use innovative tools, advanced technologies and up-to-date graphic styles to create solutions tailored to you.

E-commerce websites

I realize e-commerce websites, allowing you to expand your online business and to open a direct channel with your customers or new buyers. E-commerce websites guarantees to you the purchases of your goods or services and to send customers your special offers.


I am always looking for new, dynamic and exciting collaborations. I collaborate with professionals, companies and agencies in the following environments: web, communication and advertising. Either on single projects or for long-term consultancy, depending on your needs.


  • all
  • Custom Coding
  • Wordpress
  • E-commerce

The Italy's leading cashback portal


bestshopping.com is the Italy's leading cashback portal, voted Product of the Year 2021, with more than 3,000 participating stores, 40,000 certified opinions and more than 1 milion registered users. Not only cashback but also coupon codes, gift cards. A quick and easy way to save money on expenses that you are already used to doing on Internet. In addition, Bestshopping is the only cashback site in the world that is coupled with a price comparison web portal (comparator) on more than 20 million products checked daily.

From 2015 to today I have been constantly collaborating with Pointer S.r.l., owner of bestshopping.com, advising them on: User eXperience, Graphic Design and Front End Development, both on their web portals and mobile application (which has over 100,000 installations between iOS and Android systems).

Role: uX Designer | Graphic Designer | Templates Developer, landing pages, web site frontend.

Role: uX Designer | UI Designer | App Developer.

Ruolo: uX Designer | Graphic Designer | Front End Developer.

Role: uX Designer | Graphic Designer | Front End Developer.

Role: Graphic Designer | Front End Developer.


Do you need more info?

contact me

Every project is unique, so it's really important to analyze and to know what your needs are. All the customizations on the web site rely on your needs. More detailed will be the information you provide to me, more accurate will be the estimated costs, the working time and the resources I will ask to you. Let's talk about it!
